Steam Deck

Apex Legends Steam Deck Graphics Settings: Optimized for 90 FPS

Optimized settings for playing Apex Legends on the Steam Deck

Apex Legends is among the ten most popular Steam games, with a daily player count of nearly 300K. We tested it and posted our PC optimization guide with Windows and system-level performance tweaks in April. This guide looks at how Apex Legends performs on the Steam Deck handheld and recommends the optimized settings. We tested the game on the OLED variant of the Deck, but the performance and settings should also apply to the base variant.

Performance and FPS

Using our recommended graphics settings, Apex Legends averages 90 FPS on most maps with a brief drop below 60 FPS after the ship jump. Combat-intensive moments involving multiple thermite grenades or Fuse’s ultimate ability (the fiery stuff) can bring the framerate down to around 78-80 FPS. Overall, the performance is very stable.

Graphics Settings

All graphics settings were set to the lowest, although texture filtering can be bumped to Trilinear or 2x Anisotropic. Ambient occlusion drastically impacts image quality, and the lowest quality setting offers the best compromise between visual fidelity and performance. The remaining settings, including shadows, model details, and effects detail can be safely set to low without sacrificing much detail on the small screen.

The texture steaming budget is set to “Very Low” 2 GB, and anti-aliasing to TSAA which uses temporal accumulation to improve visual quality. Settings like impact marks, ragdolls, and FOV ability scaling are best left at the lowest. The system refresh rate is set to 90 Hz, and in-game v-sync and adaptive resolution are disabled.

Visual Quality and Battery Life

Apex Legends looks decent on the Steam Deck, especially considering the fast-paced nature of the shooter. The battery lasts for 2 hours and 15 minutes on a full charge.

Apex Legends: Best Steam Deck Graphics Settings

Optimized Graphics SettingsSteam Deck OLED
Resolution800p (1280 x 800)
Adaptive Resolution0
Adaptive SupersamplingOff
Texture Streaming BudgetVery Low (2 GB)
Texture Filtering2x AF
Ambient OcclusionLow
Sun Shadow CoverageLow
Sun Shadow DetailLow
Spot Shadow DetailDisabled
Volumetric LightingDisabled
Dynamic Spot ShadowsDisabled
Model DetailLow
Effects DetailLow
Impact MarksDisabled

Areej Syed

Processors, PC gaming, and the past. I have been writing about computer hardware for over seven years with more than 5000 published articles. Started off during engineering college and haven't stopped since. Find me at HardwareTimes and PC Opset.
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