
XDefiant Optimized Settings for Low-end PC: RTX 3060, RTX 3060 Ti, RTX 4060 Laptop GPU

The best settings for playing XDefiant on a low end PC

XDefiant is Ubisoft’s take on the battle royale genre. It has created a Frankenstein (of sorts) using characters and factions from its various franchises. You’ve got the elite backops soldiers from Ghost Recon and Splinter Cell hashing it out with the civilian militia from “The Division.” Each faction has its own special abilities that can be paired with weapons or throwables. Our optimization guide highlighting the performance impact of each graphics option is already up. This is a mini-guide for low-end PCs.

XDefiant System Requirements for 1080p, 1440p & 4K

XDefiant requires an Intel Core i7-4970K or a Ryzen 5 1600 and a GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4 GB or a Radeon RX 5500 XT 4 GB for 1080p 60 FPS at “Low” graphics settings. On the memory side, you need 8 GB of dual-channel RAM and 35 GB of storage.

XDefiant System Requirements

For the “High” quality graphics preset at 1080p 60 FPS, you’ll need an Intel Core i7-4790K or AMD Ryzen 5 1600 paired with the GeForce GTX 1060 6GB or the AMD RX 5500 XT 8GB. Top it off with 16 GB of dual-channel memory.

Our Test Bench

Gigabyte B760M DS3H DDR4 ($99)Intel Core i5-12400F ($127)AMD RX 6600 ($189)8GB x2 D4 ($40)
GIGABYTE B450M DS3H WIFI ($84)AMD Ryzen 5 5600X ($144)NVIDIA RTX 4060 ($299)/NVIDIA RTX 3060 Ti (Used-$269)8GB x2 D4 ($40)
Alienware x14 ($1399)Intel Core i7-13620HNVIDIA RTX 4060 8GB laptop GPU8GB x4 DDR5

PC/System Optimizations

  • Turn on Game Mode.
  • Enable Resizable BAR.
  • Ensure you use the proper XMP/EXPO memory profile (if available).
  • Enable Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling and Windowed Optimizations.
  • Overclock your GPU if you’re narrowly missing the 60 FPS mark.
  • For detailed instructions, read this guide.

XDefiant Benchmark: Low-end PC

XDefiant leverages the Snowdrop engine and is highly optimized for modern PCs. Using our optimized settings, even the $300 GeForce RTX 4060 8GB nets an average framerate of ~150 FPS at 1440p. The RTX 3060 Ti is slightly slower at 134 FPS, while the RTX 4060 laptop GPU manages 130 FPS at 1080p.

XDefiant Benchmark: Low-end PC

The GeForce RTX 3060 Ti and 4060 (desktop) should easily produce averages of over 200 FPS at 1080p with these settings. For 60-class notebook GPUs, however, 1080p is more stable due to the increased CPU overhead. Of course, you can dabble with resolution scaling/upscaling to get higher framerates but you’ll have to deal with a fair amount of blurring.

XDefiant VRAM Usage and CPU Bottleneck

XDefiant is mostly GPU-bound at 1080p and 1440p. Our Ryzen 5 5600/RTX 3060 Ti system reported a GPU-Busy Deviation of 10% at 1440p while averaging 148 FPS. The game is more stable with DX11, especially on NVIDIA GPUs, so it’s better to avoid DX12, at least for now.

XDefiant VRAM Usage and CPU Bottleneck
Ryzen 5 5600/RTX 3060 Ti

The RTX 3060 Ti and 4060 used around 5 GB of VRAM at 1440p, and a bit under 4 GB at 1080p. Interestingly, the two GPUs produced roughly the same framerates with vastly different power consumption. The RTX 3060 Ti used more than 200W, while the 4060 stayed under 120W.

XDefiant Best Settings for Low-End PC

Low-end PCRTX 3060/R5 5600RTX 3060 Ti/R5 5600RTX 4060/R5 5600RTX 3060 Laptop GPURTX 4060 Laptop GPU
FPS Target165 FPS/144 FPS240 FPS/144 FPS240 FPS/144 FPS144 FPS144 FPS
Display ModeFullscreenFullscreenFullscreenFullscreenFullscreen
Refresh RateHighestHighestHighestHighestHighest
Triple BufferingOnOffOffOffOff
Reduced LatencyOnOnOnOnOn
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyOn + BoostOn + BoostOn + BoostOn + BoostOn + Boost
DX12 RendererOffOffOffOffOff
Framerate LimitOffOffOffOffOff
Shadow QualityHighHighHighHighHigh
Spot ShadowsMediumMediumMediumMediumHigh
Spot Shadow ResolutionHighHighHighHighHigh
Contact ShadowsSun LowSun LowSun LowAll LowSun Low
Particle DetailHighLowUltraLowHigh
Volumetric FogMediumLowMediumLowMedium
Global Reflection QualityMediumMediumMediumMediumMedium
Local Reflection QualityMediumOffMediumOffMedium
Vegetation QualityHighHighHighHighHigh
Sub-Surface ScatteringOnOnOnOnOn
Ambient OcclusionMediumMediumMediumMediumMedium
Object Detail100100100100100
Extra Streaming Distance1010101010
Water QualityHighHighHighHighHigh
Terrain QualityHighHighHighHighHigh
SharpeningPersonal ChoicePersonal ChoicePersonal ChoicePersonal ChoicePersonal Choice
Lens FlarePersonal ChoicePersonal ChoicePersonal ChoicePersonal ChoicePersonal Choice
Chromatic AberrationPersonal ChoicePersonal ChoicePersonal ChoicePersonal ChoicePersonal Choice
Resolution Scale100%100%100%100%100%
Optimized SettingsVisual Fidelity Quality (60 FPS)Visual Fidelity Balanced (144 FPS)Competitive (240 FPS)
ResolutionHigh-end: 4K
Mid-range: 4K/1440p
Low-End: 1440p/1080p
High-end: 4K/1440p
Mid-range: 1440p/1080p
Low-End: 1080p
High-end: 1440p/1080p
Mid-range: 1080p
Low-End: 1080p or Lesser
Display ModeFullscreenFullscreenFullscreen
Refresh RateHighestHighestHighest
Triple BufferingOnOffOff
Reduced LatencyOnOnOn
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyOn + BoostOn + BoostOn + Boost
DX12 RendererOnOffOff
Framerate LimitOffOffOff
Shadow QualityUltraHighLow
Spot ShadowsHighMediumLow
Spot Shadow ResolutionHighMediumLow
Contact ShadowsAll HighAll LowOff
Particle DetailHighMediumLow
Volumetric FogHighMediumLow
Global Reflection QualityHighMediumLow
Local Reflection QualityHighMediumLow
Vegetation QualityHighHighLow
Sub-Surface ScatteringOnOffOff
Ambient OcclusionVery HighMediumLow
Object Detail10060-10010-50
Extra Streaming Distance106-100-5
Water QualityHighMediumMedium/Low
Terrain QualityHighHighMedium
SharpeningPersonal ChoicePersonal ChoicePersonal Choice
Lens FlarePersonal ChoicePersonal ChoicePersonal Choice
Chromatic AberrationPersonal ChoicePersonal ChoicePersonal Choice
Resolution Scale100%100%85% or lower

Using a $200 Radeon RX 6600, you can easily aim for 200 FPS at 1080p, 120-144 FPS at 1440p, and 60 FPS at 4K. The below tests were conducted using the described graphics quality settings.

Areej Syed

Processors, PC gaming, and the past. I have been writing about computer hardware for over seven years with more than 5000 published articles. Started off during engineering college and haven't stopped since. Find me at HardwareTimes and PC Opset.
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